September 5, 2016

Clotted Cream Shortbread

What to do when you bring home eight tubs of Rodda's clotted cream from London, give away six and keep two for yourself?   Well, you eat one tub, of course, slathered on scones with tons of jam.   Absolute heaven!  The dilemma then became the fate of the remaining tub, which was nearing its expiration date.   I searched on Rodda's website and found their recipe for Clotted Cream Shortbread...jackpot! Shortbread made with clotted cream?  The baker in me was skeptical, to be sure.  Would the clotted cream compromise the texture of  the shortbread.  Only one way to find out.   
As soon as the dough came together I knew these cookies would be fantastic.  It had the exact same look and feel as other shortbread I'd made before and rolled out like an absolute dream.   Look how beautifully the dough held the shape and  design of the strawberry cookie cutter I used.  My toughest critics, aka my family, tried the cookies and gave them the thumbs up.   Just the right amount of crunch with a hint of sweetness.   Perfect served with ice cream or fresh strawberries and clotted cream.  

Clotted Cream Shortbread (recipe from Rodda's website)

100 grams unsalted butter, at room temperature
100 grams clotted cream (fresh, not the jar)
100 grams granulated sugar
300 grams all-purpose flour

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

In a large bowl, beat together the butter, clotted cream and sugar with a hand mixer until smooth and pale. Then add the flour and continue to mix until it has the appearance of rubble.

Next, using your hands, form the mixture into a dough. Then flour a clean surface and rolling pin, and roll the dough out to a thickness of a one pound coin.

Using a 7cm cutter, cut out the shortbread biscuits and place on a baking tray lined with baking paper. If you have any leftover, you can reform the dough and roll out again.

Bake the shortbread in the oven for around 25 minutes until they are set and lightly colored.


  1. Jill L9/27/2016

    Love these cookies... they are so cute!

  2. Jean Collom10/22/2016

    Can you tell me where I can buy the biscuit cutters? They are really lovely.

  3. Anonymous9/15/2017



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