Given the number of years I've been baking you'd think that I'd be pretty proficient at it. I'd like to think that for the most part that was true, but there's one thing where I definitely lack skill - pies . I don't know why, but for some reason I've never really had much success with them; ironic considering how much I love making tarts. Perhaps it's the double-crust that's my downfall?
So this summer I'm determined to conquer my pie-making fears. To kick things off I tried Cook's Illustrated blueberry pie recipe and had fantastic results.
The crust is super flaky and the filling holds up beautifully with just the right amount of sweetness. My favorite way to enjoy it? Slightly warm with a scoop of Haagen-Dazs lemon ice cream...absolute bliss!
Dare I be so bold as to attempt apple next? Stay tuned and see.....